Process Based Architectural Design: Matter / Material / Design / Construction
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Architectural DesignÖzet
The lecture topic is the interpretation of architecture as a process of transforming nature into architecture: the way in which matter becomes material and then construction through the design. The problem of the use of materials is not considered as the conclusive phase of the design process, the one that precedes the construction. On the contrary, the choice of matter / materials, the identification of their possible use, is regarded as one of the founding moments of the project intervening from its invention.The distinction between matter and material is therefore considered a critical and at the same time collective action that in the past belonged to a whole culture. The act of recognizing and ordering the material corresponds to the creative designing phase par the first part of the lecture, a method of interpretation of the historical architectural process will be briefly presented. in the second part, the author's experience on the topic will be presented through a project.
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Strappa G. (2006). Ampliamento del cimitero di Terni. Oltre l'architettura moderna, Quaderni di Ajon, Florence
Strappa G. (2006). Organicita futura, in : Citta di Pietra, Catalog of the Tenth Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale, Marsilio, Venice
Purini F. (2011). Un'architettura tra origine e inizio - riflessioni sull'architettura di Giuseppe Strappa in occasione della seconda fase dell'ampliamento del cimitero di Terni. In «Ar» n. 95
Anselmi A. (2012). An architecture of the shadow. The new Cemetery of Terni by Giuseppe Strappa, in Paesaggio Urbano/ Urban Design n.31
Strappa G. (2014). L'architettura come processo. il mondo plastico murario in divenire, Franco Angeli, Milan
Strappa,G. (2014). Quattro diadi di architettura mediterranea, in P. Carlotti, D. Nencini, P. Posocco, Mediterranei. Traduzioni della modernita, Franco Angeli, Milan
Strappa G. (2020). Assemblage and aggregation: reading the ancient city and urban composition methods, Urban Morphology 24
Strappa G. (2021). The Terni Cemetery. Considerations on the Relationship Between Reading and Design, in V. Oliveira (editor) Morphological Research in Planning, Urban Design and Architecture, Springer, Cham