Founded on 11 April 2014 through the Foundation Workshop, organized by the Centre for Mediterranean Urban Studies at Mersin University, the main purposes of Turkish Urban Morphology Network (TNUM) were to facilitate the sharing of studies concerned with urban morphology; to discuss the possibilities of developing collaborative studies of urban form at the national level among researchers in different fields of knowledge and institutions; and to broaden studies at the international level through co-operation with other regional networks and the central body of ISUF itself. Following the Foundation Workshop, the 1st Urban Morphology Symposium was organized by Mersin University in 2015, which was followed by the 2nd Urban Morphology Symposium by Istanbul Technical University in 2018, and 3rd Urban Morphology Symposium by Middle East Technical University in 2021. The 4th Urban Morphology Symposium will be organized by Konya Technical University in 2023. Besides these local organizations, the members of the TNUM have widely participated the international conferences, held by ISUF each year.
Depending on the decisions, taken in the last symposium at the Middle East Technical University, TNUM started to organize a series of meetings, called Urban Morphology Talks. Main aim of these meetings is to encourage younger colleagues to share their ideas with larger public, and to create new possibilities to conduct collaborative studies among researchers. Besides, TNUM commenced a study on development of a vocabulary of urban morphology in the Turkish language in order to facilitate the use of morphological terms in a widely-accepted way.